10 Hungarian Desserts You Need To Try

Somlói Galuska

hungarian desserts you need to try hungary somloi galuska
Often called cake dumplings due to their deceptively simple appearance, Somlói Galuska are essentially scoops of a complex layered cake that are made with layers of sponge cake, sweet custard, and raisins.

After the cake is put together, it is scooped into dumpling-like balls and served with fresh whipped cream.

Somlói Galuska was invented in 1950 and continues to be a staple in Hungarian restaurants and dessert cafes today.

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hungarian desserts you need to try hungary kurtoskalacs
Kürtőskalács is a spit cake which is a cake that is baked in gradual layers as dough is placed on a rotating spit by a special oven or open fire.

Kürtőskalács is made with a sweet dough that is rolled in sugar and basted with melted butter during the spit-roasting process.  This gives the cake a beautiful golden brown caramelized finish.  Once finished, Kürtőskalács is traditionally topped with powdered cinnamon or ground walnuts.

This dessert is most common during the holiday season, but you can find it in many Hungarian bakeries year round.

Dobos Torte

hungarian desserts you need to try hungary dobos torte
A Dobos Torte is a traditional Hungarian dessert that is named after the man who invented it - József C. Dobos.  He invented the cake in 1885 in an attempt to create a cake recipe that would last longer than other popular cakes of the time.

The cake itself is a layered sponge cake that combines traditional sponge cake with layers of an extra-smooth chocolate buttercream, which uses real cocoa butter to create a very creamy finish and taste.


hungarian desserts you need to try hungary retes
Rétes, better known outside of Hungary as strudel, is a classical dessert that you can find just about anywhere in Hungary from coffee shops and quaint cafes to dinner restaurants.

Rétes is made with a flour based dough that is rolled flat, filled with a variety of ingredients, and then rolled back up before being baked.

Traditional Hungarian fillings include a steamed apple filling with cinnamon and raisins, a cottage cheese filling with egg and lemon zest, and a plum filling made with a mixture of stewed walnuts, cinnamon sugar and ground-up walnuts.


hungarian desserts you need to try hungary pogacsa
Pogácsa is a traditional Hungarian biscuit that can be served at any time of day, depending on what it’s filled or topped with.

Traditional Pogácsa are made with at least one kind of cheese, either fresh or aged.  Other common fillings include more savory ingredients such as minced garlic, minced cabbage, and minced red onion.

Pogácsa that are being served for dessert will have sweeter fillings such as apricot and other jams, unsweetened creams, or vanilla and a touch of sugar.

You can find Pogácsa just about anywhere in Hungary, but you should look for bakeries that specialize in the sweeter varieties if you’d like them for dessert.
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hungarian desserts you need to try hungary madartej
Madártej, which translates literally to "bird's milk," is a distinct dessert in both flavor and appearance.

Madártej is closely related to the French floating island dessert, and consists of a fluffy meringue on top of vanilla custard.  The Hungarian variation of this dessert is lighter than its French counterpart and does not traditionally come with any toppings, as the meringue is designed to stand on its own fluffy merits.

Madártej is not commonly found in cafes or bakeries, and is usually reserved for restaurants that serve more complicated traditional desserts on their menu.

Kakaós Csiga

hungarian desserts you need to try hungary kakaos csiga
Kakaós Csiga translates literally to "Chocolate snails" but don't be fooled as there's nothing crunchy in this delicious dessert.

The dessert is made with a sweet pastry dough and a cocoa based icing that gives it a nice chocolate richness.

Kakaós Csiga are distinct due to the circular design of the baked dough, which somewhat resembles a snail's shell.

Kakaós Csiga are usually found in bakeries, coffee shops and cafes rather than on restaurant menus.


hungarian desserts you need to try hungary palacsinta
Palacsinta is a thin pancake that somewhat resemble French crepes but with a thinner press and lighter texture.

Hungarian Palacsinta can be served either savory or sweet depending on the region and where you're getting them from.  Traditional dessert Palacsinta in Hungary are usually made with a special filling of candied orange peel, raisins, ground walnuts.

Gundel Palacsinta are flambeed with a cream-based chocolate sauce to give it an extra depth of flavor.

You can find this dessert in most restaurants and cafes year round, though you may have to search if you’re specifically searching for a dessert.


hungarian desserts you need to try hungary kifli
Kifli is a Hungarian variant on the popular crescent shaped roll dessert you find throughout Europe.

Hungarian Kifli are made with a yeast-based dough that is first cut into triangle wedges before being rolled into its unique crescent shape.  Kifli is more like a bread roll than a delicate pastry, and are either served plain or with a sweet topping such as jam, sweet butter, or honey.

Túró Rud

hungarian desserts you need to try hungary turo rudi
Túró Rud date all the way back to 1968, and are now considered a staple of Hungarian sweet treats and desserts.

Túró Rud is a bar-shaped snack that is made with a curd filling surrounded by a coating of hardened chocolate.  It can come with other fillings as well, such as berry jam, shredded coconut, or even vanilla.

You can find these snack-sized desserts at local supermarkets or in some cafes.
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